Books and DVDs as well as hands-on activities and games that reinforce basic concepts about TRAINS.
All aboard trains/by Richard Courtney -- How do trains work?/by Buffy Silverman -- Locomotive/by Brian Floca -- Train crazy kids [DVD] -- Travel adventures [DVD]. Brio train set includes 2 straight tracks, 2 long curved tracks, 12 short curved tracks, 1 rock tunnel, 3 train cars, 1 stop/go switch, 3 people (2 passengers, 1 conductor), 1 briefcase, 1 bench. Train conductor dress-up set includes 1 name tag, 1 timetable, 1 hat, 1 smock, 1 wrench, 1 hammer, 1 walkie-talkie.
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Many kits contain small parts unsuitable for children under 3. Adult supervision is required for all kits.