We've compiled a list of educational resources to help celebrate Black History Month.
CLICK HERE for a list of books for all ages available from MPL.
- 400 Years of African American History from the National Park Service: Explore educational material related to African American history and heritage in your national parks.
- African American history from Florida Memory: Features resources on African American history from the collections of the State Library and Archives of Florida.
- Black History Month Official Website: The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.
- Black History Month from National Geographic Kids: Kids can learn the history of Black History Month, as well as find information about influential African Americans.
- Civil Rights on the Digital Public Library of America: Highlights of collections from libraries, archives and museums across the United States, organized into easy-to-navigate topics.
- Classroom Resources for Black History Month: PBS has compiled lesson plans and resources that cover topics ranging from civil rights events to discussions about race in current events. These lessons are appropriate for history, ELA and social studies classrooms, and include resources for students in middle or high school.
- Race Relations from Access World News: Explore current and archival news, journal, and magazine articles from resources both national and worldwide.
- Redisovering Black History from the National Archive: The blog of the Black History Guide, sharing records relating to the Black Experience at the National Archives.
- Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History & Culture: The NMAAHC is a public institution open to all, where anyone is welcome to participate, collaborate, and learn more about African American history and culture.
- Stories to Celebrate Black History Month at Story Corps: Story Corps has made a list of stories celebrating Black History and families, which include typed transcripts as well as audio-visual aides.
- TED Talk: The Difference Between Being "Not Racist" and Antiracist: Historian and best-selling author, Ibram X. Kendi, presents a TED talk on how to actively uproot injustice and inequality in the world—and replace it with love.
- Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive at UCF: UCF offers a rich collection of resources on Hurston's work as an author, anthropologist, and historian, including a database of manuscripts, media resources, and teaching materials.
- Zora Neale Hurston Museum in Eatonville: The museum provides information on the community and displays the works of artists of African descent. Quarterly exhibitions feature the works of emerging and legendary artists. Eatonville's Zora Neale Hurston Trail correlates 16 historic sites and 10 markers with Hurston's writings. A walking/driving tour brochure is also available at the Museum.